Mid-Life Spirituality
Spirituality has been making a come back. Articles have been published about doctors who pray with their patients, polls have been done and the evidence is in black and white. Most physicians, nurses, and medical students said they were very or somewhat comfortable with the idea of praying with or for patients, according to poll data collected by Medscape.
Prayer is an often misunderstood word. To some it has connotations and memories of a strict religious background. To some the experience is something to be feared because the only association is with "being a sinner". But recently it seems more and more people are returning to prayer and spirituality. What is prayer? According to the American Heritage Dictionary, prayer is simply being in communication with one's Higher Power. In a time when the world can feel unstable, the renewed quest for spirituality and prayer seem appropriate and timely.
If you are experiencing dissatisfaction with your life, a lack of contentment or security, or simply don't know what you want to do with the next 20 years, a return to spirituality may be helpful. But make it your own spirituality. Here are some ways to start.
1. Consider what your belief is regarding a Higher Power. Make this truly yours and not a Sunday School definition. Is it Jesus? Is it the Universe? Possibly "mother earth". Define your God.
2. Consider the surroundings most comfortable to chat with or commune with your Higher Power. Spend 15 minutes a day for a few weeks with your Higher Power in different settings: running, sitting quietly near the fireplace or meditating in the park. Notice what this time is like and what activities or locations bring the most meaningful times.
3. Look through various books for ideas to make this time most meaningful. A few examples are: Simple Abundance, the Bible, Wherever You Go There You Are, and Care of the Soul.
4. Think of ways you can incorporate your sense of spirituality into your work. Marsha Sinetar, in Work as a Spiritual Path, teaches that when work is practiced as devotion it builds not only wealth but also inner-wealth. The inner-wealth is based on an improved self-concept.
Whatever makes the experience meaningful and that draws you nearer to your Higher Power is what is right for you. Spirituality can help you feel less stressed, more relaxed, and more in touch with who you are. Then you can move ahead to make the changes and design the second half of your life. Your new life is only a "wing and a prayer" away.
Prayer is an often misunderstood word. To some it has connotations and memories of a strict religious background. To some the experience is something to be feared because the only association is with "being a sinner". But recently it seems more and more people are returning to prayer and spirituality. What is prayer? According to the American Heritage Dictionary, prayer is simply being in communication with one's Higher Power. In a time when the world can feel unstable, the renewed quest for spirituality and prayer seem appropriate and timely.
If you are experiencing dissatisfaction with your life, a lack of contentment or security, or simply don't know what you want to do with the next 20 years, a return to spirituality may be helpful. But make it your own spirituality. Here are some ways to start.
1. Consider what your belief is regarding a Higher Power. Make this truly yours and not a Sunday School definition. Is it Jesus? Is it the Universe? Possibly "mother earth". Define your God.
2. Consider the surroundings most comfortable to chat with or commune with your Higher Power. Spend 15 minutes a day for a few weeks with your Higher Power in different settings: running, sitting quietly near the fireplace or meditating in the park. Notice what this time is like and what activities or locations bring the most meaningful times.
3. Look through various books for ideas to make this time most meaningful. A few examples are: Simple Abundance, the Bible, Wherever You Go There You Are, and Care of the Soul.
4. Think of ways you can incorporate your sense of spirituality into your work. Marsha Sinetar, in Work as a Spiritual Path, teaches that when work is practiced as devotion it builds not only wealth but also inner-wealth. The inner-wealth is based on an improved self-concept.
Whatever makes the experience meaningful and that draws you nearer to your Higher Power is what is right for you. Spirituality can help you feel less stressed, more relaxed, and more in touch with who you are. Then you can move ahead to make the changes and design the second half of your life. Your new life is only a "wing and a prayer" away.